Wednesday 29 June 2011

I have reached my destination.....

Well after four years I have today found out that I have achieved a BA with first class honours. I've not been very good at updating this blog in the last year...and this will be my last entry. If you stumble upon this blog as you begin your university journey.... Then I am living proof that with hard work and dedication you really can reach for the stars. Good luck......and goodbye xx

Thursday 24 March 2011


Been ages since I looked in on here! Ok - update.... it is possible to be offered a PGCE place at Warwick and a salary funded GTP place at Newman...I did! Very happy to report that I will begin a GTP in September 2011....if I manage to get a 2:2 on the degree! Happy Days!

The final year is rather busy though....I've finished my dissertation..which is a load off; but still have a 3000 word essay to complete before I can get into revsion for the three FINAL exams! Wow...FINALS....loving the sound of that!

Graduation is 21st July at seems my 'destination' is within my sights...Yey!

Thursday 4 November 2010

PGCE place

After three years of waiting, I finally had my PGCE interview yesterday at Warwick. It was a really stressful experience....! The day was split into two; the morning consisted of a presentation about the course and then a maths test and English test. The maths test was fine...nothing harder than year 6 numeracy...the English test was tough though. We were given an article to read and then had to write a critical response....did we agree or disagree and why? 45 minutes! I found this hard as we had no idea what the article would be about. Then we all had to go for lunch and reconvene at 1.30pm when they would tell us who got through to the afternoon. This was the longest hour of my was awful.
At 1.20 we headed over to fond out our be met at the door by a group of people who were there in the morning...they told us...the list has been read out already.....and they sadly informed us that they themselves were unsuccessful......
So off we went - inside the meeting place.....and I discovered I had been selected to go through. Well I could have hooped for joy...was so relieved...I was taken in a group of 4 up to do a group task then have an individual interview. after this I went outside and discovered that only two people from Warwick had made it through to the afternoon....most of the original group of the morning had not......this included my friends, with whom I had spent the morning....enter in a right mixed bag of emotions!!!!
As it stands now I am waiting for their decision - I should hear in two weeks....

Also, the closing date for the GTP application is I should hear if I am invited to interview/test stage there too next week.

Exciting (though stressful!) times!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Psychoanalytical Perspectives

Reading the work of Carl Jung is an interesting experience and not one you can have half heartedly: it’s a bit like reading original Piaget...heavy stuff! However, once in the ‘zone’ as it were; if you are even half interested in psychology, I suggest you’ll enjoy what he has to say. Like Sigmund Freud.. (yes I know the mention of his name is enough to make you log off immediately...but stick with me on this..) ...Jung was interested in the unconscious part of our psychic selves. However, where Freud felt the unconscious was a collection of lost memories and experiences, Jung argued they this was a rather restricted explanation. He split the unconscious into two: the personal unconscious (which was along the same lines as Freud’s thoughts) and the collective unconscious. This is the interesting bit: see, according to Jung, us (as in the entire human race) have an innate, instinctual collective unconscious which is there..inside us...all of birth! Kind of how we have evolved with certain physical characteristics (arms/legs/brain/head etc) we have also evolved with a certain inner psyche – which is common to human kind everywhere in the world. Isn’t that amazing? you may be I’ll explain further
Jung coined the phrase ‘Archetype’ which he said was the collective unconscious in us all. Archetypes aren’t physical things..and they remain hidden in the unconscious as shapeless and colourless – they are just a big archetypal ocean. So how do we know they are there? Well...we know they are there when they appear in the conscious - they can be experienced as, for example: an image and an emotion (eg: extreme fear/fearful experience/death). Jung would argue that primary fears are innate in all children and these have remained unchanged regardless of time or space. As the archetype of, for example, death, appears into the conscious: it will take shape and be coloured in depending on the experience and society of where it appears. So the archetype of death appearing in a 7 year old in Britain will be very different than the archetype of death appearing in a 7 year old in parts of Africa....The key point here is that the Archetypes themselves don’t change: it’s how they manifest that does. Hence, when societies undergo changes (such as views of childhood and children.) the manifestation of the archetype will change according to acceptable norms of the you get what I mean?

Tuesday 27 July 2010


I have confirmation of my year three module grades..... delighted to blog that I got four firsts and one 2:1.

Really can't wait for final year now.......

Wednesday 14 July 2010

and so to the final year....

Here I the end of the third and about to begin the final year! It’s strange – but I am in fact faced with paradoxical feelings of surprise by just how quickly these past three years have flown, contrasted with not remembering what life was like prior to modules, assessments, reading, reading and more reading!
I really enjoyed the third year....very different from the first two. At Warwick, you become anonymous really.....the core modules are in the Lecture Theatre and you blend in as one of 100 or so students. To illustrate, I attended (and was characteristically verbal in!) weekly core lectures since January, with a lecturer who has now been allocated as my dissertation supervisor. At our first meeting...I was greeted with the words... “and you are...?” I told him my name...but doubt very much that he will remember it!!!
However, poised at final year... I am now turning my attention to ITT applications. I am very lucky to have secured a provisional GTP place at an Infant School....subject to TDA funding. Yesterday, I had to deliver a whole class literacy session to year one’s – whilst being observed by the head and class teacher. I had planned my delivery, incorporated ICT (of course!) and then delivered, (what I was told at the feedback afterwards) a very good “pacey session”. I have never planned and delivered a whole session – from intro to plenary....and I loved it. The children really enjoyed it too..which was evident in the work they produced in the session. The next stage is to apply to Newman’s Uni in September...I will also apply for PGCE at Warwick in case I don’t get a funded place through Newman’s...but my preferred route is GTP....I am so desperate to get into the classroom and teach.
On a more current note...I am immersed in reading for my dissertation. I am doing a case study which will look at school council at infant school level and young children’s understanding and ability to participate. It is so interesting......and thankfully, as it is quite a contemporary subject base, there is lots of current literature available. Taking back what I said earlier about my supervisor not remembering my name.....I have a feeling that by the end of the year he will not be wondering who I am...more he’ll be hiding behind the drinks machines in the cafe when he sees me in the vicinity!!
Well – this time next year I will have graduated, with know what ITT I am doing in September....yes..that light at the end of the tunnel is definitely starting to shine a bit brighter!
Good Luck to all newbies....and to the others who move on through the programme. Work loads....ask questions.....and success is there for the taking!

Tuesday 29 June 2010


BOOKS FOR SALE - if you are interested in any please email me - books sold on a first come first served basis....

These are the books which I found very useful during the level one (years 1&2) and level two (year 3) part of the BA(hons) Early Childhood Studies.
All these are available to view on AMAZON.CO.UK : as far as I could see most are selling for more than £5.00 each (2nd Hand). All books are well used but in very good condition. Some may have highlighted bits and notes inside...but you never know these may be helpful to you!!

All books £5.00 EACH

LEVEL 1 & 2 books

• Childhood Studies: An Introduction by Dominic Wyse (Paperback - 12 Nov 2003)

• An Introduction to Early Childhood Studies by Dr Trisha Maynard and Professor Nigel Thomas

• Early Childhood Studies: An Introduction to Children's Worlds and Children's Lives by Jenny Willan, Rod Parker-Rees, and Jan Savage (Paperback - 16 Aug 2004)

• An Introduction to Early Childhood: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Dr Tim Waller (Paperback - 8 July 2005)

LEVEL 2 BOOKS - £5.00 EACH -

Option module specialist books:

• Desirable Literacies: Approaches to Language and Literacy in the Early Years by Dr Jackie Marsh and Dr Elaine Hallet (Paperback - 29 April 1999)

• Children and Number: Difficulties in Learning Mathematics by Martin Hughes (Paperback - 26 Jun 1986)


• The Development of Mathematical Skills (Studies in Developmental Psychology) by Chris Donlan (Paperback - 2 Mar 2000)

I bought this new for £20.99 – very useful book if you intend to do development of mathematics in the early years as an option module – (highly recommended module) – book is in great condition – hence £10 price tag.

• Children's Numbers (Developmental Psychology) by Catherine Sophian (Paperback - Sep 1996)

This is a FANTASTIC book if you do the module I mentioned before. It’s as rare as rocking horse poo (no joke – check out and see!) – I managed to get hold of one on ebay and it cost me £17....I was the envy of the class!!! Sophian is a brilliant easy to follow writer that makes a difficult concept make perfect sense....because of the price I paid and how rare this book is ....the charge for this one is £10.

And finally.........................................

• Doing Your Early Years Research Project: A Step by Step Guide by Guy Roberts-Holmes (Paperback - 18 Mar 2005) – Core for Level 2 module at warwick....a boring but essential read....I bought it new and it cost me £16.00 – still in great condition - on sale now for £7

Friday 18 June 2010

book sale.....

having a big book clear out...will be good for newbie first years, 2nd years and even the 3rd years.......

details to follow here next week....keep may bag a bargain :-)

Thursday 10 June 2010

time out....

from revision to post on this blog...actually, I'm procrastinating again...I arrived at the lap top to do some more revision...and have spent the last half an hour avoiding my note pages......finding myself here at my blog I was surprised to see it's been ages since I posted here's an update.....

Have sat one exam and have three more to go. The Development of Mathematics in the Early Years was my option module and was the hardest module that I have studied this year. However, it was the most interesting for me. I liked it because it was nice to be in class with only 10 people...a nice change from the lecture theatre. Also, the subject was fascinating....loved learning about how children develop mathematical cognition....and investigating the idea that we have innate mathematical abilities. It was a tough subject to write about in the assignment....because it was hard to put into words...but I scored another I was very happy. My other favourite module has been Children and Family in National and International Context; again very interesting subject and most of the lectures were delivered really well, two lecturers in particular were excellent. Loved really scrutinizing the social construction of childhood - Loved deconstructing issues such as child labour, child soldiers and UNCRC - looking at them in a different 'global' context - thus expanding and broadening my mind and opinions.....very interesting and thought provoking. A great module.....if I was going to do a masters (which I am NOT!) - I'd do it in this area!

I am amazed that I'm here about to approach the FINAL year! this time next year I'll be graduating.....!!!
I know there is still a year to go.....but I've enjoyed the last year and have learned so much...I have maintained the success of my marks so far and feel very able to cope with level fact, I'm looking forward to doing the dissertation...I know what I am going to do it on and it's going to be so interesting to do (info to follow soon!)...

Procrastinating over now......I think I'll go to bed now!

Saturday 20 March 2010





If you take a direct quote from some text then you reference after the quote like this:

research from UNICEF revealing; “90% of the world’s wealth [is] owned by 10% of the world’s population” (Prout, 2005 p18)

The reference is the authors surname, a comma, followed by the year of publish, followed by the page number.

If the direct quote is sourced online then you reference like this:

there are key differences that give modern globalisation a “peculiar force” (Smith and Doyle, 2002, cited online).

If there is a page number (for example in a government report...then you should include this too as before.

GOOD PRACTICE TIP: Don’t lift huge quotes – better to put they key ideas in your own words...then attribute to whose ideas they are in reference.


This should be used much more than the direct quote. When you read information about a subject then use that info in your essay, you must say where you got the info from. You reference this like this:

This western transformation into what is seen as the modern view of childhood long preceded the process of globalisation (Stearns, 2005).

In the original text, Stearns is discussing the concept that the way we perceive children and childhood today is a notion that came long before any notions of globalisation. Notice that words have been completely changed; but they still mean the same and therefore are still Stearns we must attribute this to him with the reference. This is done as before: the Surname is used, followed by the date of publication. Same rules as above apply if it’s sourced online.


The reference page is a list of all the references that you have actually cited in your essay. It is listed in alphabetical order and can be in different styles, however - Warwick Uni use the style of Harvard referencing.

Using the examples above to start: this is how they would appear in a reference page:

Stearnes, P.N. (2005) conclusion from: “Change, Globalisation and Childhood” Journal of Social History 2005; 38; 4: 1041- 1046 accessed online on 3rd January 2010 from: stearns02.pdf

Smith, M. K. and Doyle M. (2002) 'Globalization' accessed online on 12th December 2009 from the encyclopaedia of informal education;

Prout, A. (2005) The Future of Childhood; Towards the interdisciplinary study of children, Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer.



Stearnes (2005) is a journal. You always begin with the Surname, a comma and the initials (if there are more than two authors just put the first surname and the words “et al”.
This is followed by the name of the journal article, in inverted commas. Followed by the name of the journal, (Journal of Social History )the date of publish, (2005) the volume number (4) and the pages of the article you are citing: (1041-1046). All this info is available on the article and you can usually just copy and paste it. This bit is presented in bold and italics. Then you write the words :accessed online on [the date you accessed it] from: then put the web link to the journal. If you have accessed the journal from the library, you can miss the last bit off.


Again, the surname of the author comes first, followed by a comma and the initials (if there are more than two authors just put the first surname and the words “et al”.
Date of publish, in brackets next, followed by the title of the book – in bold and italics The Future of Childhood; Towards the interdisciplinary study of children,. Followed by place it was published Oxon: and publishing company RoutledgeFalmer.


Usually, you can find who the page is written by and when it was written (as in the example above) – so you just reference the Surname etc as before. However, if it’s a report from (for example: UNICEF – then you use this as the ‘name’ and follow it by the date of the report. Then you just put the title of the report or article and state the words: accessed online on [date you found it] from: web address.