Sunday 30 November 2008

Looking in my crystal ball......

I can see an economic fog of doom and gloom across the UK........
I can see........mothers being forced to cut short their maternity leave as they have to contribute to the family income.....
I can see........families, unhappy and stressed by financial worries; unable to cope, parents separate and, when they can afford it, they divorce!.......
I can see........more children being affected by child abuse as frustrations are taken out on them.
I can see........children unable to take advantage of extended school activities, and school trips are reduced as less families can afford the 'voluntary contribution' needed to ensure they run.
I can see........older children and young adults unable to find employment or enjoy the option of attending higher education.
I can see....... More substance (drugs and alcohol) misuse within the family.

Putting my crystal ball to one side for a moment.....and recalling a recently published story in the media - apparently, the recent pledges made by government to improve flexible working conditions for families in terms of shorter hours, work from home opportunities, (in favour of the employee with children) are now being reviewed (by the Business Secretary – Lord Mandleson) due to the strain on the economic downturn on the employer. This is bound to have an impact on working mothers.

There ends my mystic meg style predictions...... lets hope mine are as rubbish as her lottery ones always were! ;-)

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