Wednesday, 29 June 2011

I have reached my destination.....

Well after four years I have today found out that I have achieved a BA with first class honours. I've not been very good at updating this blog in the last year...and this will be my last entry. If you stumble upon this blog as you begin your university journey.... Then I am living proof that with hard work and dedication you really can reach for the stars. Good luck......and goodbye xx


lin armstrong said...

i was going to ask you to end it for us!!! next year the first years will see your beacon.
I am tearful as you were my very first cohort and i will clap and cheer at your graduation. Well done .with greatest respect you made it .yeah!

ClaireBrannan said...
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ClaireBrannan said...

Sorry I just realised what I said was gobbledegook. This post made me a little emotional knowing that it can be achieved. Well done and good luck for the future!! xx