Monday, 5 October 2009

and so to warwick....

I left WIE this morning feeling very happy indeed. The group for my option module is really small (only 9 people, with 1 absent), the module leader was very nice and appears to be very helpful in terms of her availability (had heard horror stories about this!) and, when the essay titles and tasks were flicked up on screen, I was pretty confident that I would [with knowledge acquired in Y1+2] be able to have a go at them now (and they aren't due til march!) In fact - I'd argue that at face value - they appear easier than what we have been presented with in year 2!Both myself and Anne-Marie were impressed by the fact the whole course is online (similar to moodle - but easier to navigate) - I have come home and been able to look at leisure at the tasks and reading needed for the entire module. So impressed was I, that I went to the other modules on my timetable as to get a headstart on what might be expected......only to find blank pages on most!!! Almost not surprised by this...I will keep looking in to see when [or if!] anything ever gets posted!
Feels good to be getting on with it at long last and I must say I do feel prepared....was inwardly smiling when we were told we had some mathematical tasks to do with some children - the tasks were pretty much Piaget's experiments.....many of which I did during my Child Development Project last year!
So..on the whole....feeling very very happy and glad to be in the 2nd half of the game!


Katja said...

you have just made me smile out loud......I think we are all preparing for it to get harder with every year - to know that Brian, Lin et al. are 'exactly what they say on the tin' and are there to prepare us (more than well) for Warwick and that it has worked is a happy thought :) Hope it keeps going well.....keep letting us know how the maths for EY's goes as that was going to be my first option......want to know all about it :o) have fun !!!!!

Ihar said...

Keep writing! ))