Thursday 29 January 2009

Proud as punch!

I just have to say how delighted I am following the powerpoint training. It looks as if my informal session - that turned into a proper training session - really inspired some folks to embrace technology and attempt to utilise it to their advantage! This is great news on two levels, firstly because, I am confident that using technology; for example, blogger and incorporating a bit of 'wow' into PP's, is a step in the right direction for the digital learner....and secondly, it is a pretty cool feeling for me to have successfully delivered a [albeit simple] lecture and prompted such great thanks to all who came, who saw and who took something away :-)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I rather think it should be us thanking you for the great training session. You mention you'd like to become a teacher? I feel the only thing standing in the way is the piece of paper. Thanks again.

Claire said...

I pretty much second what Clare has said. It really made a difference with you going through the process step-by-step. I've had a 'dabble' and I'm confident, and dare I say it, looking forward to my next presentation so I can include some of the elements you have taught me. Thanx again.

lin armstrong said...

I was so impressed with the clear ,logical explanations and told Brian and Christine. Now he tutors will have to pull up their socks in designing visual media. had a go and even I understand it.
think you are very able to teach -even adults and so glad you are willing to share.